Cycling Indoors vs Outdoors: A Balanced Perspective

As a dad who loves spending time outdoors with my family, the decision to invest in an indoor spin bike was a shift in mindset. Being out in the fresh air, exploring parks, National Trust sites and local Yorkshire gems with my kids has always been a huge part of our weekends. But there’s also much to be said for indoor cycling, especially when life gets busy, the weather isn’t cooperating or a combination of both means you can’t reach your fitness goals.

At heart, I’ll always be a trail cyclist. There’s nothing that compares to cycling outdoors on traffic-free trails, the varying terrain, switching off your mind, and the feeling of time standing still. 

In January 2024 I bought a spin bike. I know what you are thinking. It’s another one of those January purchases gathering dust! That couldn’t be further from the truth!

At the time I was plateauing with my fitness and weight loss. Although I was in ‘decent’ shape my aerobic fitness wasn’t as strong as I would have liked. With rainfall now frequent in the winter months I was struggling to get outside on the bike as much as I would have liked. I’ve never been a road cyclist as having to navigate passing traffic doesn’t appeal and the trails would be boggy in the winter months.

The spin bike was a way for me to maintain my weekly aerobic numbers while not battling the elements. 

I had put off this investment for years as I was stubbornly an outdoor cyclist and didn’t want to succumb to indoor use.

It’s been 9 months since the purchase and it’s been one of the best investments I’ve made

For others who are mulling over such a decision, I wanted to break down the pros and cons of indoor and outdoor cycling from the perspective of someone who values the great outdoors but also sees the benefits of indoor fitness.

Pros of Outdoor Cycling

Fresh Air and Nature:

There’s nothing quite like cycling outside, feeling the wind on your face, and being surrounded by nature. It’s a full sensory experience that recharges the mind and body. I still love to get outdoors and cycling to school is an important part of our family’s life.

Varied Terrain:

Outdoor cycling provides a natural variety of terrain. Whether it’s hills, flat paths, or rough trails, your body adapts to different conditions, enhancing overall fitness. It’s this challenge that makes outdoor rides dynamic and engaging. I have a basic spin bike so it’s purely a numbers game. Sure you can up the intensity but your body doesn’t have to adapt to the varying terrain ahead of you

Exploration and Adventure:

Every ride can lead to new discoveries. Cycling outdoors opens up opportunities for spontaneous adventures that simply aren’t possible indoors. You get a better sense of understanding of your local area, the wildlife and what you have on offer. Many people are disconnected from their environment. They wake up, go to work, come home and sleep. They could live anywhere!

Mental Health Benefits:

Being outdoors is linked to better mental health. I must admit I still feel the benefits from exercise in general (even indoors) but when you have been outside in nature it feels longer-lasting.

Social Interaction:

I tend to cycle solo but as someone who works from home the spontaneous meetings of other cyclists, dog walkers, joggers and walkers is nice. It’s usually just a casual ‘hello’ but social interaction of any type is what we as humans need.

Cons of Outdoor Cycling

Weather Dependency:

Yorkshire isn’t known for its predictable weather. Rain, wind, or cold can dampen your cycling plans. Sometimes, despite the best intentions, the elements can make it difficult or unpleasant to ride. From my perspective, I like to hit the trails and they are certainly more challenging in the winter months. Not impossible but sometimes the pull to stay inside and train is too strong!

Time Constraints:

Outdoor cycling often requires planning—getting the bikes ready, wearing the appropriate clothing, and planning what you are taking. It’s slightly more time-consuming; especially if you are juggling work and family commitments. 

Seasonal Limitations:

During the winter months, shorter days and icy paths limit how much outdoor cycling you can do. For those focused on fitness goals, this can disrupt consistency. The conditions can not always play ball and I would find myself missing sessions as the weather wasn’t good. With the spin bike, I can jump on to make sure I do something on those days.

Consistency & goals:

With any type of health and fitness goal; consistency and habit-building is incredibly important. ‘Showing up’ daily is what gets you to where you want to be. It’s far easier to stick to aerobic goals daily if you have an indoor bike as a backup. There are times when I have a busy work day so I will get up early and use the bike before everyone else is up. This can be the same on the weekend too if we have plans. It’s not always possible to get outside on the bike and if you have clear goals it’s best to have a hybrid approach.

Pros of Indoor Cycling

Convenience and Flexibility:

One of the main reasons I chose to get a spin bike is the flexibility it offers. As mentioned above I can be flexible with my approach. Some days I can use the outdoor bike and sometimes the indoor one. I’m an early riser and like to get my workouts in early before the family wake up. This is a huge advantage to the spin bike. Furthermore, I will sometimes do double sessions. Resistance training in the morning and the bike in the evening. This means I can jump on when the kids are in bed and not eat into quality family time.

Time Efficiency:

Indoor cycling eliminates travel time, so it’s easy to squeeze in a quick workout, even when life gets busy. For parents juggling kids’ activities and work, this can be a game-changer. This is a particular area where I have benefitted from the Spin bike. Getting up early and fitting in a session or in the evening when the kids are asleep. It’s far more flexible than outdoor cycling.

Controlled Environment:

Unlike outdoor cycling, where terrain and weather can be unpredictable, indoor cycling is consistent. You can control the resistance and create structured workouts without external distractions.

This feels like a gift and a curse for the human race. We live in luxury never experienced. You can create the perfect conditions for cycling indoors and have similar outcomes in a comfortable environment. I see this one as a positive and negative.

Fitness Tracking:

Spin bikes often come with built-in metrics like speed, distance, heart rate, and calories burned. This makes it easier to track your progress and stay motivated toward specific fitness goals.

Year-Round Fitness:

No matter the season, indoor cycling is always available. This consistency can help maintain fitness levels through winter months when outdoor options are limited or harder to motivate towards. If it’s snowing outside (appreciate this doesn’t happen much in the UK) you don’t have to miss a workout. I was more likely to skip workouts when I only cycled outdoors as if the conditions were unsafe I wouldn’t go out.

Cons of Indoor Cycling

Lack of Scenery and Variety:

No matter how good the workout is, indoor cycling can’t replicate the joy of riding through a beautiful park or countryside. It can feel monotonous over time, especially for someone who loves outdoor adventures.

This is an area I struggle with when we have a sustained period of bad weather. Although I tend to watch documentaries or YouTube videos while cycling it doesn’t match the scenery and environment of outdoor cycling. A squirrel ‘prepping’ for the winter or a farmer’s field with dappled sunlight. Indoor cycling feels more like a ‘must-do’ than a leisure experience.

Spin Bike On A Rainy Day
YouTube and Spin Bike on a rainy day

Limited Engagement:

Indoor cycling is more about fitness than exploration or fun. While you can push yourself hard, you might miss the mental engagement that comes with navigating new routes or the sense of discovery that comes with outdoor cycling.

Motivation Can Wane:

Without the motivation of a new environment, a change of season or a chance interaction,  it’s easy to lose enthusiasm for indoor cyclin if your starting base was an outdoor cyclist.

It becomes more of a chore, especially for those of us who thrive on outdoor stimulation.

Space Requirements:

Depending on the size of your home, finding space for a spin bike can be a challenge. It’s another piece of equipment to store, and not every home has room for it.

I think we have all bought equipment which we haven’t used. They tend to make great clothes horses for drying items in the winter months. I mulled over the decision to buy the spin bike for over a year as I didn’t want another piece of equipment taking up space. I purposely went for a Spin Bike as they are usually quite small in size and I use mine in my home office. This works well as I can move the Spin bike in place of my office chair and watch videos while working out.

It does take up space though but all exercise equipment needs to be stored somewhere. Just make sure it’s accessible or it will become a problem.


For me, outdoor cycling is where I find my joy. Whether that’s an individual ride or heading out on the weekend with the family. It’s far superior for overall enjoyment.

Indoor cycling however offers undeniable benefits for fitness, flexibility, and consistency; something which can not always be achieved in the varying British climate and family dynamic. 

It’s all about balance. Indoor cycling has become a tool in my fitness journey while getting out on my bike is still the preference if the weather and my life play ball.

To reach specific fitness goals they need to complement each other. It’s just impossible to do so without utilising each.  With the addition of a spin bike, I am now active, healthy, and motivated year-round.

Enjoy them both for what they are.

Last Updated on September 30, 2024 by Ryan

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