Active Travel & Where you live..Does environment matter?

The Role of Infrastructure in Encouraging Family Cycling

We’ve all heard the phrase “you are what you eat,” but what about you are where you live?

The truth is, your environment can make a huge difference in how you live your daily life — particularly when it comes to how much you can rely on your own two feet (or wheels) to get around. Some areas despite the best intentions are just difficult to navigate. You may live off an incredibly busy road or car culture may be ingrained in the day-to-day life of those around you. This makes active travel far more difficult than somewhere which prioritises human-powered travel.

Whether it’s the school run, popping to the shops, commuting to work or just heading out for some fresh air, where you live can either support or sabotage your chances of living actively.

From a personal perspective when we chose to move to the area we are in over 10 years ago we didn’t consider active travel in our decision process. But two children, cycling holidays & thousands of miles of day-to-day life via bikes have changed that.

Despite our area being good for walking and cycling we are still in the minority. I’ve touched on before how it’s quicker, cheaper and more efficient but still very few (if any) parents of school children choose to ride a bike. 

Some of this is mindset and unfortunately where we live many will drive 200 yards vs using their own two feet despite the overwhelming positives of doing so. But despite the noise around you, the environment is the main influence on your own decisions. We still bike and walk every single day as the environment (despite some challenges) enables us to do so.

Maybe you are about to start a family and want to raise them as resilient, strong kids who can travel well via bike or foot or perhaps you are heading into retirement and wanting a walkable environment to live in.

Here’s why the environment around us matters — and how it can shape our choices, routines and more. 

Shops Within Walking or Cycling Distance:

It might sound basic, but being able to walk or cycle to a corner shop, bakery or small supermarket is a massive win for both convenience and well-being.

Not only do you get a bit of exercise built into your routine, but you also avoid the hassle of traffic queues in and around a large supermarket. In our area we have two large supermarkets within walking distance which is great but also comes with heavy traffic. I’d much prefer the experience of a small high street with independent shops or a smaller supermarket branch. 

When shops are close enough and the streets are designed to welcome people, walking or cycling becomes the default — not the exception. And over time, that adds up to better fitness, less stress, and a far more pleasant way to run errands.

Bonus: kids love being able to come along on the bikes for a little mission. It builds confidence, independence, and shows them that movement is a normal part of everyday life. They can also wear a backpack which helps with carrying groceries too! 

Schools Within Active Travel Distance:

In 1975 over 74% of Primary age children walked to school. That number is now just 50%. We’ve written extensively about the benefits of walking/cycling to school for children and adults alike.

I believe choosing an area with primary and secondary schools (sixth form is a bonus) within walking/cycling distance can have a huge benefit on the entire family. One downside of our particular area is that we have several schools (including private) and many children are driven to school.

I feel this is a real shame for the development of the child and for the health of the parent. If your child’s school is within walking or cycling range, it makes the morning routine calmer, healthier, and more environmentally friendly.

And ideally, we’re not just talking primary school here — imagine a community where primary, secondary, and even sixth form options are accessible without a car. It encourages lifelong habits and gives older kids more independence too. As parents, you serve your job as an enabler of robust children who grow up being able to carry themselves on their own two feet. 

In our own family, we’ve found that walking or cycling to school isn’t just about the exercise — it’s a chance to talk, look around, and ease into the day. My cycle or walk to school with my 9-year-old daughter is an absolute joy. We talk about things we just wouldn’t at home, we make up games and it’s a real wholesome experience. As she grows are moves onto High School she’ll be well equipped and experienced at travelling actively.

Choose your school run

Workplace Accessibility:

For those of us who work remotely or hybrid you may not have this problem and having green space on your doorstep may be preferable.

But for many, the workplace is a big piece of the puzzle. If your job is close enough to cycle or walk, that commute can turn into a source of daily movement and mental clarity instead of being something to dread.

Even better? If there are traffic-free cycle paths or quiet routes that take you into town or the office, suddenly the ride becomes something to look forward to. You arrive feeling more awake and less frazzled.

Alternatively, you could look at the accessibility to public transportation (Trains) and couple this with cycling to the station or walking at both sides. Imagine everyday involves at least 30 minutes of active travel before starting work. Your brain will feel alive. 

It’s not always possible, but if your area offers good links to local employment hubs, it opens the door to a healthier lifestyle. Failing this for quality of life purposes I’m a huge advocate for working from home. If you can find a job which enables you to work from home in some capacity I believe you should snatch their hand off; even if it involves a pay cut (controversial I know).

The upsides of working from home cannot be underestimated and it enables you to hit all the other critical points within this discussion. If you are location-independent for work it solves a lot of problems when trying to find an accessible environment. 

Nature Nearby

Having access to nature — woods, fields, country lanes, riverside paths — within walking or biking distance is one of the biggest underrated perks of a good environment.

These little pockets of green are essential for physical and mental health. They give you the space to unwind after a stressful day, let the kids run free, and help everyone disconnect from screens and reconnect with the real world. Nature doesn’t have to mean a national park on your doorstep (though that would be lovely). Even a canal towpath, a community woodland or a quiet green belt can transform your evenings and weekends.

Tip: As a cyclist look for national cycle routes nearby, bridleways or quiet lanes. The sweet spot is to be in an area with a thriving community and high street but with these things close by. It is possible though; especially in areas away from major cities (although some cities cater for this well too).

Parks and Playgrounds Within Reach:

This is one thing we lack where we currently live. We have a few within a couple of miles of our house but none of which are easy access on the bikes for the kids. It’s actually a real downside. 

For the level of houses in the area it’s severely lacking. There are a couple of areas which were earmarked for parks but the local NIMBYs objected. We even had the refusal of benches in a greenspace in case it increased anti-social behaviour. A discussion for another day perhaps!

But playgrounds are pure gold for family life. If there’s one within walking distance, it gives you an easy option for blowing off steam, resetting the mood, and giving the kids space to just be kids.

It’s also a chance for parents to socialise, meet other families, and feel a bit less isolated — especially in those early years.

And if you can cycle to a few different parks, even better. It adds variety to your week and makes riding the bike feel purposeful (instead of just exercise for exercise’s sake). Places with parks or recreational spaces tend to encourage active travel so this is another tick in that regard. 

When Town Planning Encourages Active Travel:

We’ve seen it in action: when places are made more walkable, people do walk more. When cycle lanes feel safe, people use them.​

Towns and neighbourhoods that prioritise pedestrians and bikes — through wider pavements, traffic-calmed zones, protected cycleways, and car-free areas — consistently report more people choosing to walk or cycle for short journeys.​

Studies from places like Waltham Forest’s Mini-Holland scheme in London have shown significant increases in walking and cycling, along with better air quality and lower car use. According to the London Borough of Waltham Forest, the area saw a 52-minute increase in weekly active travel per resident and an increase in life expectancy of up to 7 weeks thanks to improved air quality and activity levels. ​Waltham Forest

Local businesses in pedestrianised zones have also reported higher footfall, as people linger longer, shop more often, and feel more connected to their community. For example, after pedestrianisation in Nottingham city centre, footfall increased and vacancy rates fell, demonstrating that people really do vote with their feet. ​

It’s a simple truth — when you create safe, accessible spaces for people to move under their own steam, they do it because it’s suddenly easier, nicer and less friction than jumping in the car.​

And the ripple effects? Lower obesity rates, better mental health, more independent kids, stronger local economies, and a real sense of place. These are the type of places humans want to live. 

Benefits of Living in an Active Environment

Shops within walking/cycling distanceEncourages daily physical activity; reduces reliance on car; supports local businesses
Schools within active travel rangePromotes healthy routines; lowers stress during school runs; builds children’s independence
Workplace accessibility by bike/walkingReduces commuting stress and cost; boosts mental clarity; adds daily exercise
Access to nature and countrysideImproves mental health; offers free, accessible recreation; boosts family bonding
Play areas and parks nearbySupports children’s development; offers social opportunities for families
Pedestrian- and cycle-friendly infrastructureIncreases walking/cycling rates; improves air quality; boosts local economies and community

Want to Live More Actively?

If you’re thinking about where to live and how your environment supports (or sabotages) the lifestyle you want, look at the streets.

  • Are there cycle lanes separated from traffic?
  • Are crossings safe, and pavements wide?
  • Are there community hubs (leisure centre, library)
  • Are there independent, local businesses on the high street (coffee shops, eateries)
  • Do people actually walk and cycle there — or is it all theoretical?

Because while personal willpower plays a role, the environment often plays a bigger one.

Give people nice places to walk — they’ll walk. Give them safe places to cycle — they’ll ride. Give them vibrant local parks and shops within reach — they’ll show up and contribute to the local economy. It’s a trickle-down effect and it also makes somewhere a pride-inducing place to live. 

What Can We Do?

Not everyone has the perfect environment. But if you’re house-hunting, planning a move, or thinking long-term — it’s worth prioritising these things if you want to lead an active lifestyle. Although change is in the air; these things will take years to come to fruition. In some ways it’s easier to seek that environment now vs waiting for it to happen where you currently live. Besides, it may never happen!

Ask yourself:

  • Can we walk or cycle to school?
  • Are there local parks, woods or fields?
  • What’s the local high street like? (or do you actually have one?)
  • Could I reach work without the car if I wanted to?
  • Will this environment help us live more actively?

And even if you’re staying put, there’s still value in exploring local paths, finding new routes to school, or choosing to bike to the shop now and then. Active travel doesn’t have to be all-or-nothing.

It’s the small changes, done often, that shape the way your family lives. Of course, the environment matters but even those in the most hostile environment for active travel can find somewhere on their doorstep to venture. 

Photo by Eilis Garvey on Unsplash

Last Updated on March 25, 2025 by Ryan

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