When Should a Child Learn to Ride a Bike?

What Age Should You Learn to ride a bike

Learning to ride a bike is a milestone in a child’s life, not just for the physical benefits but also for the confidence and independence it fosters. The question of when a child should learn to ride a bike really should be as EARLY as possible. Of course, we are biased here at Family Cycling 🙂

Our daughter was 4 years old when she was comfortable pedalling, and our son is of a similar age and can cycle, too (although he needs a little more persuasion).

But the question of when is the best age for a child to begin cycling, and how to support them through the process, is one that many parents face.

While the age range can vary depending on the child, evidence suggests that starting early can be immensely beneficial.

In this article, we explore the optimal ages, key stages, and the importance of early cycling, with insights from the UK and other successful countries, including the Netherlands and the Nordic region.

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Case Study: Walking & Cycling to Secondary School – Can we get to 60%?

Walking Cycling Secondary School

As part of our case study into walking and cycling, we wanted to look at the impact of getting more secondary school students to walk or cycle to school.

The numbers are currently ‘ok’ but should be better. At secondary school age, the freedom and autonomy of cycling/walking to school should be something that is embraced. But what impact could it have on emissions, air quality and the level of cars on the road? Not only that but can it have a positive impact on the mental and physical health of our teenagers?

The scenario-based case study below looks at an 18% rise in students embracing active travel across England to get to and from school.

The elephant in the room when it comes to cars is that we have too many people driving. We haven’t the space or infrastructure to accommodate the level of journeys via car and as such congestion will get worse before getting better.

Let’s dive into the numbers, shall we?

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Case Study: The Impact of Switching to Cycling for Short Family Journeys

Second Hand Bike

I’ve always been a fan of case studies. They are an excellent way for someone to visualise a situation and are incredibly relatable.

We’ve banged the drum about the importance of cycling to school for the children and parents alike. The data shows it benefits your kids hugely and I have two examples of my own children who couldn’t visualise any other way to get to school, whether via bike or on foot. Once the habits are ingrained they are difficult to break. 

But what about specific numbers and outcomes, and how can we make YOU want to do the same? Introducing our case study series. These will document real-life & fictional families and the benefits of switching your lifestyle to one which is more active. These will look at the financial, social and health benefits of doing so. Not only that but the time angle where if you provide your kids with the tools for independence early, it’s something which will benefit you as adults too in the long run!

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