When Should a Child Learn to Ride a Bike?

What Age Should You Learn to ride a bike

Learning to ride a bike is a milestone in a child’s life, not just for the physical benefits but also for the confidence and independence it fosters. The question of when a child should learn to ride a bike really should be as EARLY as possible. Of course, we are biased here at Family Cycling 🙂

Our daughter was 4 years old when she was comfortable pedalling, and our son is of a similar age and can cycle, too (although he needs a little more persuasion).

But the question of when is the best age for a child to begin cycling, and how to support them through the process, is one that many parents face.

While the age range can vary depending on the child, evidence suggests that starting early can be immensely beneficial.

In this article, we explore the optimal ages, key stages, and the importance of early cycling, with insights from the UK and other successful countries, including the Netherlands and the Nordic region.

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Case Study: Walking & Cycling to Secondary School – Can we get to 60%?

Walking Cycling Secondary School

As part of our case study into walking and cycling, we wanted to look at the impact of getting more secondary school students to walk or cycle to school.

The numbers are currently ‘ok’ but should be better. At secondary school age, the freedom and autonomy of cycling/walking to school should be something that is embraced. But what impact could it have on emissions, air quality and the level of cars on the road? Not only that but can it have a positive impact on the mental and physical health of our teenagers?

The scenario-based case study below looks at an 18% rise in students embracing active travel across England to get to and from school.

The elephant in the room when it comes to cars is that we have too many people driving. We haven’t the space or infrastructure to accommodate the level of journeys via car and as such congestion will get worse before getting better.

Let’s dive into the numbers, shall we?

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Case Study: The Impact of Switching to Cycling for Short Family Journeys

Second Hand Bike

I’ve always been a fan of case studies. They are an excellent way for someone to visualise a situation and are incredibly relatable.

We’ve banged the drum about the importance of cycling to school for the children and parents alike. The data shows it benefits your kids hugely and I have two examples of my own children who couldn’t visualise any other way to get to school, whether via bike or on foot. Once the habits are ingrained they are difficult to break. 

But what about specific numbers and outcomes, and how can we make YOU want to do the same? Introducing our case study series. These will document real-life & fictional families and the benefits of switching your lifestyle to one which is more active. These will look at the financial, social and health benefits of doing so. Not only that but the time angle where if you provide your kids with the tools for independence early, it’s something which will benefit you as adults too in the long run!

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New Financed Car vs a Second-hand car – Why you should switch? (and cycle too!)

New Financed Car vs a Second-hand car

As you may or may not have worked out I’m not a huge fan of car finance deals and PCPS’s. They trap many people into incredibly expensive finance deals and burden them with huge monthly payments. They are inflexible and unnecessary. Most of the recent tech with cars is tech for the sake of it! I’d much prefer to have the money in my pocket to shape my life in different ways.

In the years of low interest rates, you could argue that having a brand-new car with a monthly payment was worth it. I think those days are gone now. Your typical car finance is nearly 6.9% and many families face the burden of hefty car finance payments, often exceeding £400 per month. With rising living costs and the growing cost of living crisis, more people are questioning whether a new, financed car is truly worth the expense. I would recommend all families question the popular narrative and look at the difference it could make to their lives if they opt out of this.

Families can enjoy significant financial, health, and social benefits by opting for a reliable second-hand vehicle and incorporating cycling into daily routines.

Let’s explore this transformational shift in depth and provide several scenarios to help you make what I believe is a life-changing decision for your health and your wealth. 

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Am I too old to ride my bike? – What age can I start cycling?

Am i too old to ride my bike?

‘Isn’t cycling something you do when you are a kid?’

I’ve heard this a lot, and it’s a common reason people don’t cycle. People forget that it’s the most efficient mode of transport available (in more ways than one) and unrivalled for their mental well-being. But what age is too old to stop cycling or to start cycling? Is this a case of if you missed the window of opportunity it’s gone? Of course not!

Cycling is a timeless activity, enjoyed by people of all ages around the world. Whether you’re a child taking your first spin on two wheels, a young adult commuting to work, or a senior rediscovering the joy of riding, cycling offers something for everyone. The benefits extend far beyond the physical, touching every aspect of health, well-being, and daily life.

The world has also changed so much that the barrier to entry couldn’t be better. With eBikes, inexpensive second-hand bikes and the ability for anyone to repair; it’s something which should be encouraged and enjoyed by those of all ages.

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The Importance of Routine for Children

Importance Of Routine

When we think about routine, we often associate it with the structure we, as adults, need to stay organised, productive, and healthy. But routines are just as essential for children, if not more so.

Having a consistent routine can provide children with a sense of security, help them develop positive habits, and foster resilience. In our family, we’ve embraced outdoor adventures, physical activity, and family time as part of our daily routine, and we believe these experiences are crucial for raising happy, healthy kids.

This post explores why routine is so important for children, covering areas such as bedtime, healthy eating, outdoor activities, and playtime with parents. We believe routine extends further than bedtime and it helps to instil consistency in children from a young age. It’s not always possible and there will be times it goes to absolute shit but by trying to get back on the wagon quickly it can help both the children and yourself.

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The Impact of Sport on the Resilience of Children and Teenagers

Impact of Sport on Resilience

In today’s world, where technology and social media are ever-present, encouraging our children to stay physically active is more crucial than ever. It’s estimated that UK children spend approximately 6 hours a day on screen time (TV, Tablet, Phone). Couple this with school, then life is becoming more and more sedentary. But why is this a problem,  and what does it have to do with resilience?

At Family Cycling, our mission is to create fun outdoor adventures that benefit our young children, Matilda and Barney. We spend most weekends exploring local parks, National Trust or any outdoor location.

Our priority (and hopefully yours) is to cultivate an environment where being outdoors is the default.  We also make cycling an integral part of our everyday lives. This is our primary means of transport for the school run.  This lifestyle is more than just an activity—it’s a way of improving our children’s resilience, physical strength, and mental well-being.

It’s your natural reaction as a parent to protect your children. But your children will also have situations where they require resilience, strength and the ability to deal with a challenging situation. This is where I believe sport plays a role in modern society. In this post, we’ll explore how sports can impact the resilience of children and teenagers, considering the pressures that technology and social media place on their overall well-being.

We want to highlight the many reasons why getting your children involved in sports can lay the foundation for a happier, healthier, and more resilient life.

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Cycling vs Car Use – You can do both?

New Financed Car vs a Second-hand car

In many parts of the world, the car is king. It’s a symbol of freedom, convenience, and status, and for decades, it has dominated the way we think about transportation. With concerns around climate change, pollution, and boosting health (we have an NHS waiting list of over 6 million people) there has been a nod to more active means of transport.

Like everything, however, they have become gambits in a political culture war. Pick a side and argue until the end. But is that the way it needs to be? Maybe the alternative is that we agree that active travel and using the car both have merit for particular journeys.

This article explores the arguments for and against cars and cycling, and why it might be time to rethink how we travel.

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Cycling to School with Kids in the Winter

Cycling to school in the winter

The winter months are often when many families reluctantly trade in their walk/cycle to school habits for the warmth of the car. But for many reasons highlighted below it’s the best time to continue cycling.

Cycling to school has become a core part of our identity and our day-to-day life. Since our daughter Matilda started school in September 2020, we have cycled or walked to school every single day, without exception. We wouldn’t have it any other way. Our website is all about the joys of outdoor adventures with young children, and cycling is at the heart of our philosophy.

Today, we’re sharing why we continue to cycle to school even in winter and how you can make it work for your family too.

It’s worth noting that our advice is always aimed at those who have the means to do so. Many now work from home, close to home or work shifts. These can make the transition to cycling in all weather. We are here to promote positive habit changes in the day-to-day lives of ordinary families.

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Staying Consistent with Cycling When You Have Kids

Staying Consistent With Cycling

Balancing your love for cycling with the demands of parenting can feel like a juggling act. Life with kids is wonderfully unpredictable, and it often seems like there’s always something that gets in the way of a good bike ride.

Yet, staying active is crucial—for both our physical health and mental well-being. Staying fit, getting out in nature and keeping my mind free are just some of the reasons I stay consistent with cycling. It’s not always easy and when the cold months kick in it can become appealing to stay inside where it’s warm.

Here’s how I manage to stay consistent with cycling as a parent, with two young children. 

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