Calder Holmes Park, Hebden Bridge Review for Families

Hebden Bridge, with its eclectic charm and vibrant community spirit, has always been a draw for those who relish its mix of the arts, history, and natural beauty. Tucked within this extraordinary town is Calder Holmes Park, a family-friendly oasis that deserves its own spotlight.

Our family’s first outing to Calder Holmes Park happened on one of those rare, unplanned Saturdays when the weather was too inviting to stay indoors. A perfect sunny day called us to explore, so we packed up our essentials—snacks, water bottles, and the kids’ boundless energy—and set out for what we hoped would be a decent day out.

With its lush greenery and plethora of activities, it was the perfect backdrop for an amazing day with Matilda and Barney. It’s true; this place is wedged between a canal and a river, making for a pretty special setting. And it’s not just for the little ones, teenagers and adults find their spot too, either on that large circular swing or strumming guitars in the sun. It’s a community vibe that’s second to none.

Where is Calder Holmes Park located?

Situated in the heart of Hebden Bridge at HX7 6JE, United Kingdom, Calder Holmes Park is that breath of fresh air every family yearns for. Our journey began at the main entrance located off New Road, meandering through the Memorial Garden that solemnly commemorates the past, down to where the park opens up, embracing us with its natural splendour.  

The park itself is a swath of green framed by the picturesque backdrop of West Yorkshire’s hills, an area brimming with the character of a town that prides itself on its artistic and independent roots.

History of Calder Holmes Park, Hebden Bridge

This park has seen generations of families like ours come and go, witnessed countless first steps and heard the echoes of youthful exuberance. Established in an era where local parks became the heart of community interaction, it now stands as a testament to the endurance of public spaces designed for everyone’s joy.

When we visited, the sense of continuity was profound. I imagined Victorians strolling the same paths, dressed in their Sunday best, while today, our kids could run freely in comfy trainers and shorts. In a fast-paced world, Calder Holmes Park remains a cherished constant—evolving, yes, but always holding onto the essence of delight and recreation it has provided to the people of Hebden Bridge throughout its history.

What is there to do for families?

Family outings should strike that perfect balance of fun and comfort, and this enchanting parkland did just that. It catered to every member of the family, leaving none of us wanting. Here is what made our trip so special:

Children’s Play Area

Calder Holmes Park offers an inviting play space that consistently draws in the excitement and energy of visiting families. Big play equipment like climbing frames are all available and our kids loved really enjoyed the park.

Adjacent attractions, like the water feature, offer their distinct charm and are a source of endless amusement for the kids. Whether it’s enjoying the refreshing sprays on a warm day or engaging in imaginative play, these amenities complement the main structure, ensuring that a visit to Calder Holmes Park is invariably a time of fun and fond memories.

Biking Adventures on Serene Trails

If there’s one thing our family loves, it’s the freedom that comes with biking. The park’s expansive network of paths welcomed us warmly, their smooth surfaces promising an easy ride even for our youngest cyclist. 

We followed the trail that winds along the edge of the park, enveloped by the shade of ancient trees whose leaves had turned into a kaleidoscope of autumn colours. Matilda took the lead, confident and proud on her bike, while we followed her

Canal-Side Walks

Our bike ride naturally transitioned into a leisurely walk along the Rochdale Canal that borders one side of the park. We watched the boats and even spotted a few ducks, which the kids loved. It’s these simple moments that make a family outing special.

Skate Park

One addition to our adventure that deserves a special mention is the skate park. We watched in awe as youths gilded gracefully across ramps, their silhouettes etching mid-air stunts against the sky. 

Barney, always the adventurer, was tempted to join, but we decided to save that for when he’s a bit older and better padded. Matilda, however, was showing off her bicycle skills on the nearby bike path. She was having a lot of fun, and we were impressed by her skills.

It was quite the spectacle, and for families with older children, it’s a space where freedom and sport combine beautifully.

Picnics and Ball Games on the Grassy Expanse

And let’s not forget the simple pleasure of sprawling out on a grassy patch for a picnic. As we laid down our blanket and opened our hamper of homemade goodies, the park’s natural charm shined through. The kids ran off soon after, tossing a frisbee back and forth, while we lounged in contented observation. Grass stains, giggles, and all—that’s family time we treasure.

Facilities At Park

Calder Holmes Park caters to visitors with an array of amenities designed to enhance their experience. The park offers free parking, ensuring convenient access for families arriving by car. Wheelchair-accessible pathways ensure inclusivity, allowing everyone to explore and enjoy the park’s offering.

The Park Life Café serves as a welcoming retreat, providing a variety of hot and cold foods to satisfy diverse tastes.

What truly marked our visit was the convenience of on-site facilities. The public toilets did pose a slight hiccup with their unpredictable availability, but the experience was mostly positive.

Areas For Improvement

While Calder Holmes Park is a fantastic place to visit, there were a few areas where we felt improvements could be made. Here are some of them:
Particularly, the playground’s main structure was missing. Repair and maintenance work are essential for safety, but we’re hopeful that these amenities will be restored to their former glory promptly.

We also noticed the public toilets were shut during our visit, which presents a bit of a pickle, especially for families with little ones. Open and clean restrooms are a staple need in a family-centred space like this, and we’d love to see this issue addressed.

Would you recommend it?

Without hesitation, we would wholeheartedly recommend Calder Holmes Park as an enriching destination for families seeking a blend of nature, recreation, and community engagement. 

The park’s diverse offerings cater to various interests, ensuring there’s something for everyone. The expansive playground, although undergoing maintenance during our visit, exuded promise with its array of play structures. The bike-friendly paths were a highlight, providing a safe and enjoyable track for cycling enthusiasts of all ages. The serene ambience, coupled with the picturesque canal and river nearby, added an ethereal touch to our experience.

While acknowledging areas for improvement, such as the closure of certain play structures and intermittent toilet closures, these nuances didn’t overshadow the park’s overall allure. With a touch of maintenance and attention, Calder Holmes Park has the potential to become an even more inviting and seamless experience for families.

In essence, despite minor hiccups, Calder Holmes Park’s intrinsic beauty and diverse attractions make it a worthwhile destination for families. Its tranquil setting, coupled with varied activities, ensures a memorable and enjoyable visit for all ages.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below, we have compiled some commonly asked questions about Springhead Park to help you plan your visit.

Is there a café?

The park is home to a delightful little cafe that serves refreshments, a perfect pitstop for a spot of tea or a scoop of ice cream for the little ones (or, let’s be honest, for us adults too).

What is your favourite part?

For us, it’s the tranquil and picturesque canal-side walks, serving as a testament to the enduring beauty of Hebden Bridge.

Is it suitable for Dog walkers?

Dogs are indeed welcome, and it’s quite common to see furry friends leaping in joy across the grass.

Can we bring our bikes?

Indeed, bringing your bikes along adds a layer of excitement, especially with the dedicated paths designed for biking enthusiasts.

Is there parking available?

Yes, the park offers free parking facilities, ensuring a hassle-free experience for families planning a day out.

Is there any entrance fee for visiting the park?

No, there’s no charge to enter the park, making it as accessible as it is enjoyable.

Pros & Cons


  • Great walking routes
  • Nice cycle paths
  • Good facilities (skate park)
  • Enjoyable playground.
  • Fab cafe


  • Public toilets were closed at the time of visiting.
  • Play equipment was broken in places

Park enjoyment rating


Last Updated on January 11, 2024 by Ryan

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