Teaching a child how to ride a bike is a fun and rewarding experience that can provide many benefits for their physical, cognitive, and social development. Our daughter Matilda was a relatively early cyclist at just 4 years old and we went through a number of steps to make sure she was able to ride her bike and become a competent cyclist.
Helping a child learn how to ride a bike can open doors to so many wonderful opportunities. Not only is it a great skill to have but it also enables you as a family to build social activities around cycling.
This is what we now do and not only has this completely changed how we plan our weekends it also means we are looking after the health of our children as they grow and develop.
Before jumping on a bike there were a number of initial steps to familiarise our daughter with the life of cycling. This is something we’ve continued with our son.
Hello. I am Ryan and along with my wife Beth and our two children Matilda and Barney, we love all things cycling and exploring. We spend our weekends exploring fun places to cycle and discover and wanted to help other people do the same too. There’s no better way to travel than via bike and it’s an amazing activity for the whole family to enjoy.